This message is from Ellen Pinnes and The Disability Coalition.
By the end of last week, 661 bills had been introduced in the legislative session, along with 24 memorials (which can range from ceremonial statements recognizing a person, an entity, or a cause to requests to establish work groups or task forces to delve into an issue) and 26 resolutions (which may propose amendments to the state’s constitution or simply seek to revise internal legislative rules of procedure). The Disability Coalition’s Legislative Report #3 is attached with a review of items of interest to the disability community.
We invite you to join us at the Capitol this Thursday, February 13, to celebrate Disability Rights Awareness Day at the Roundhouse. There will be a gathering in the Rotunda at noon, a legal clinic and community dialogue convened by Disability Rights New Mexico and a workshop on supported decision-making from the Developmental Disabilities Council and the Center for Self-Advocacy in the morning, and display tables in the wings off the Rotunda most of the day. There’s more information in the attached report. We hope to see you there!