Disability Coalition: Legislative Report #1

This message is from Ellen Pinnes and The Disability Coalition.       

The 2025 regular session of the New Mexico Legislature convened at noon last Tuesday.  As a “long” 60-day session, it will run through noon on March 22.  There are a lot of new faces at the Roundhouse as big freshman classes join both the House and the Senate.  And once again, strong state revenues mean that there’s plenty of “new money” for the Legislature to work with as it puts together the state’s budget for Fiscal Year 2026.  

The Disability Coalition’s first legislative report of the 2025 session is attached.  It includes information on the legislative and executive budget recommendations along with bills of interest to the disability community that were introduced in the first week of the session (and some that were pre-filed before the session began but haven’t been formally introduced into the legislative process yet). 

You can find copies of all bills – and lots of other legislative information – on the legislative website at nmlegis.gov.

If you would like to receive emails directly from The Disability Coalition, please send a message to EPinnes@msn.com with “subscribe” in the subject line.

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