This message is from Ellen Pinnes and the Disability Coalition
Disability Rights Awareness Day at the Roundhouse is Thursday, February 13!
There will be lots to see and do over the course of the day:
- We’ll gather in the Capitol Rotunda from noon to one with music from Healing Harmonies Neuro Choir and the band Concrete Moon, as well as speakers to welcome you to the Roundhouse and encourage you to be part of the legislative process.
- During the morning, you’re invited to join Disability Rights New Mexico for a “Disability Rights Drop-in Clinic” followed by a community dialogue about Medicaid in New Mexico. The clinic will run from 9:00 to 11:00 and will be an opportunity for a free consultation with an attorney about any disability-related issues you may have. DRNM will also have tip sheets you can pick up to help you advocate on a variety of topics, such as healthcare, special education, housing, accessibility, service animals and others. The clinic will be followed by a community discussion on “Medicaid Myths and Facts” from 11:00 to 11:45.
- Display tables featuring the work of many disability organizations will be in the wings off the Rotunda during the morning and the early part of the afternoon. Stop by, chat with the folks staffing the tables, and learn about the important work these groups do.
- Another key part of Roundhouse Day is engaging with the Legislature as it does its work. We encourage you to meet and talk with legislators, attend committee hearings, and spend some time in the House or Senate gallery watching the floor sessions.
- And one more important part of Roundhouse Day: networking with members of the disability community from around New Mexico! This will be a great opportunity to see old friends and connect with new ones.
There is no charge to attend DRAD at the Roundhouse and pre-registration is not required. We hope to see you there!
Disability Rights Drop in Clinic
Legal Clinic and Community Discussion:
Disability Rights New Mexico (DRNM) is holding a Drop-In Legal Clinic on Thursday, February 13, 2025 from 9:00 – 11:00am. The Clinic will be followed by a Community Discussion “Medicaid Myths and Facts” from 11:00 – 11:45am. Come to the New Mexico Roundhouse (Room 326) for a free consultation with an attorney and stay for a community dialog about Medicaid in New Mexico. We will also have tip sheets available to help you advocate in many different areas, including Healthcare, Service Animals, Special Education, Housing, Voting, Public Accessibility, and more.
This event is part of Disability Rights Awareness Day at the Roundhouse. For more information, visit or call (505) 256-3100.
Where: The New Mexico State Capitol (Roundhouse), 409 Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe NM 87501, Room 326
When: Thursday, February 13, 9am – 11:45am
Location Notes: The Roundhouse is located on the corner of Old Santa Fe Trail and Paseo de Peralta. Room 326 is located on the 3rd floor of the Capitol on the East side of the building.
Free Parking: Free parking is available in the parking structure, located at 420 Galisteo Street.
DRNM specializes in the following areas of disability law:
- Special Education & 504 Plans
- Healthcare, including Medicaid
- Employment
- Accessibility in Public Spaces
- Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
- Service Animals
- Housing
- Voting
- Self-Determination
DRNM is unable to assist with:
Obtaining guardianship
Criminal defense cases
Family Law (divorces, restraining orders, etc.)
Wills and Estates
Contract Disputes