The CDC is monitoring multiple variants of the virus that causes COVID-19, including four in the United States that seem to spread more easily than others. So far, studies suggest that current authorized vaccines work on these variants. CDC recommends Everyone ages 12 and older should get a COVID-19 vaccination as soon as possible.
Read More ›Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA is providing financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020.
Read More ›Many local and national organizations have put together accessible COVID-19 resources so everyone has the information they need in the format best suited to them. Organizations include New Mexico Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Georgia Tech's Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation, Administration for Community Living, Independent Living Research Utilization, Center for Disease Control, and New York Deaf Blind Collaborative, among others.
Read More ›Press Release from the Office of the Governor - Beginning July 1, all pandemic-related occupancy restrictions on all forms of commercial activity will be lifted in New Mexico. All businesses across the state may once again operate at 100 percent of maximum capacity.
Read More ›Testing is an important way to help control the spread of COVID-19. Early detection through a positive test can identify people who need care so they can get treatment and don’t pass the virus on to others. This resource from ACL provides an overview of COVID-19 testing, including when you should get tested, where tests are available, and who pays.
Read More ›The Trusted Voices grassroots effort found trusted community members throughout New Mexico to share pandemic response messages with their audiences via social media. Listen to the voices of people you trust; those who understand you, your community and your lifestyle. Watch the videos and upload one of your own.
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