Let’s Vote! Webinar on Oct 1

This message is from Ellen Pinnes and The Disability Coalition.

Please join us on October 1 for a webinar on voting – the first event of The Disability Coalition’s Disability Rights Awareness Days 2025.  The webinar will give you information you need about voting in New Mexico so you can make your voice heard in the 2024 elections.  

The Disability Coalition is pleased to welcome Annie Elliott, voting advocate at Disability Rights New Mexico, to present at the webinar.  Topics covered with include: 

  • registering to vote
  • voting by absentee ballot or in person (early or on Election Day),
  • being an informed voter, and
  • your rights as a voter with a disability. 

There is no charge to attend.  Please pre-register by going to the link shown below.  (If the link doesn’t work, copy it and paste it in your browser and that should take you to the registration page.)  You’ll get a confirmation email with the link to join the webinar. 

Date:  Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Time:  10:30 to 11:45 a.m.
Place:  Zoom
Registration: https://www.classy.org/event/drad2025-voting-rights-webinar/e619369

If you need a disability-related accommodation to participate in the webinar, you can make that request through the website when you register.

If you have any problems with the registration website, contact The Arc of New Mexico, the Coalition member managing the DRAD website, at conferences@arcnm.org or call Joe Martinez at 505-883-4630. We hope you can join us on October 1! 

The Disability Coalition is funded in part by the  New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Council  through Federal Program funding.  Additional funding is provided by  The Arc of New Mexico, Disability Rights New Mexico, the Independent Living Resource Center, and New Vistas. 

If you would like to receive emails from The Disability Coalition, please send a message to EPinnes@msn.com with “subscribe” in the subject line.

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