The BernCo Relief of Emergency Needs for Tenants (RENT) Assistance Program is for income-eligible Bernalillo County renters that live in Bernalillo County, outside the City of Albuquerque, experiencing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Funds from this program can be applied towards past rent and utilities due starting April 2020 through September 2025, rental and utility assistance payments. Applications will be reviewed on a first come, first serve basis.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for the RENT program, applicants must:
- Live outside the City of Albuquerque’s municipal boundary within Bernalillo County;
- Is the home you rent located outside of the City of Albuquerque? Use this locator map. Please click here for a short instructional video on how to use the map.
- One or more individuals within the household has qualified for unemployment benefits or experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship due, directly or indirectly, during the COVID-19 outbreak.
- One or more individuals within the household can demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.
- Have COVID-19 related income loss that has made it difficult or unable to pay rent;
- Have documentation that shows the household’s current total gross household income is less than 80% of the Median Family Income (see below for table);
- Currently be on a lease, and not be recipients of other federally subsidized rental assistance programs (such as Project-Based Voucher assistance, a Housing Choice Voucher, or Public Housing);
- Not be a full-time student whose rent is paid by someone else.
The BernCo RENT program is for Bernalillo County renters that meet the income eligibility requirement of 80% median family income (AMI = Area Median Income) and less:
Number of people living in household | 1 person | 2 people | 3 people | 4 people | 5 people | 6 people |
Annual Income at 50% AMI or less | $26,450 | $30,200 | $34,000 | $37,750 | $40,800 | $43,800 |
Annual Income at 80% AMI or less | $42,300 | $48,350 | $54,400 | $60,400 | $65,250 | $70,100 |
Is the home you rent located outside of the City of Albuquerque?
Use this locator map. Please click here for a short instructional video on how to use the map.
How to Apply
- Visit for an online application or to download a paper copy of the application. You may also request a physical copy of the application be to you.
- Once completed, paper applications – along with copies of the required documents – shall be delivered to the downtown Bernalillo County Treasurer’s Tax Payment drop-box at Fifth and Marquette NW.
Please ensure that your application is addressed to:
Bernalillo County
Attn: Economic Development
C/O Sulema Lenz
Alvarado Square
415 Silver Ave SW
8th Floor, County Manager’s Office
Albuquerque, NM 87102
- Complete applications can also be mailed to the above address.
Required Documents:
- Photo ID of head of household, such as a New Mexico Driver’s License or other Government-issued photo ID, Passport, Green Card, US Visa, Identity Card, etc.
- Proof that one or more members of the of the applicant’s household either (i) qualified for unemployment benefits or (ii) experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship due, directly or indirectly, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- If the applicant is applying based on section (i) for this determination, the applicant must either provide a written attestation signed by the applicant or other relevant documentation regarding the household member’s qualification for unemployment benefits.
- If the applicant is applying based on section (ii) for this determination, Federal guidance requires the applicant to provide a written attestation signed by the applicant that one or more members of the household meets this condition.
- Proof that one or more individuals within the household can demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability, which may include
- A past due utility or rent notice or eviction notice,
- Written attestation of unsafe or unhealthy living conditions, or
- Written attestation or other evidence of risk.
- Proof of gross annual income* as of 12/31/2021 for all household members (3rd party documentation or signed self-certification form or written and written/signed statement). For any household members who do not have current income need to submit a self-certification of zero income.
- Proof of household’s current gross annual income (3rd party documentation, signed self-certification form, or signed written statement) OR if your household does not have any income currently, each adult household member must complete the Certification of Zero Income form.
- Proof of COVID-related income loss, such as CARES Act unemployment benefits letter, letter from employer, pay stubs showing reduced hours, self certification/written and signed statement, etc.
- Proof of lease or rental agreement, invoicing/receipts from extended stay hotel/motels.
If you need assistance completing an application, language translation, or a specific communication format, you may call (505) 468-1279.